Children’s Audition Information


Youth Ages 5 and up with little or no experience audition Saturday, September 7, 2024

AgesGenderCheck InOrientationAudition
7-12Boys10:00am10:30am11:00-11:45am Group A
8-11Girls*10:00am10:30am11:00-11:45am Group A
12:00-12:30pm Group B
7Girls*11:45am12:15pm12:45-1:15pm Group A
5-6Boys and Girls*1:30pm2:00pm2:30-2:50pm Group A
3:00-3:20pm Group B
3:30-3:50pm Group C

*Children arranged in height order, from tallest to shortest.

For additional information, see the General Audition Information for schedules and requirements and the Terms & Conditions, which include the letter of agreement for participation.